Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Hey folks. Last update was from Lake Baikal, Russia. Later that day, we went to Irkuustk and did a little sightseeing, then hopped on a train that would cross the Mongolian border to Ulaanbataar overnight. This was the first time we really started seeing lots of other backpackers, and it hasn't really stopped. Quite a community of travellers out here. The border crossing actually took a while, with passport checks and custom declarations on either side, so we had 6 hours in a small russian border town. After several hours killing time in the hot sun, we decided to bust out the guitars and entertain the train full of passengers sitting around the platform. Everyone gathered round, clapped, swayed and sang as we played for the 40 or 50 people from all walks of life. One guy in particular joined in by making up lyrics in Korean....a really cool moment where language barriers didn't exist. Anyhoo, we made it to Ulaanbatar the next day and were swept away to the a national park on the outskirts, where we did some bad ass/horse back riding (not that sissy walking in a row stuff...these horses could giver..."choo!"), some hiking, some fine dinning, even some basketball. Incredibly friendly people out there. Then we spent a few days roaming Ulaanbataar, capital of Mongolia, and saw stuff like the Black Market, a buddhist temple, a Mongolian rock band at an Irish Pub, and some more night life. Lots of coverless manholes in that your step. Then, overnight train again to the Chinese border, another long wait, then onto a Chinese Sleeper Bus with like 40 beds, each one seemingly designed for midgets. No joke, the bed ended just below my knees. Overnight on that thing, with about 5 random stops for passports throughout the night (Olympic security), and now we're in Beijing. Feel somewhat like a celebrity out here, because we get way more stares and waves here than anywhere else so far. Some people ask for pictures, especially if we're playing guitar. They also like our arm hair. Gonna hike on the Great Wall tomorrow, and maybe the Forbidden City, and try to get some tickets for the Olympics. Next update will probably be from Shanghai. All the best to the west! Pictures to come...


Anonymous said...

You can just assume that I'm gonna say "awesome" to every post you post.

Go compete in the olympics and get canada a few more medals. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

wow~you are in Beijing now?That's cool~ have you help canada get more medals?
Have you say "ni hao ""xiexie"?

Unknown said...

I think you should break some aussie legs. They are getting pretty cocky over here.

You guys are making amazing distance! Like a quarter of the world in under a month. Amazing!

Be safe! Party like a disappointed Olympian.