Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Helloooooo. Here are some pictures. Half of the best ones from my camera are on here, the other half on our facebook 'Tree Loose Moose' page. Sorry they're not in any order or sometimes rotated properly. Enjoy!



Virg said...

Love the photogs dudes. Especially the one where Kyle is asleep on Mike's shoulder. Beautiful.
Take care!!!!

Ricardo said...

Hey guys, great pics especially the Canadian outfits you had on at the Olympics. Stay safe and keep having fun while you can. Love you, Daddio.

Enid said...

My favourite photo is the one of Kyle sleeping on Mike in the car...GREAT!!!
Oh, and this is Harriet, by the way, and we miss you guys. Especially you, Mike, my best buddy.
Be careful over in Africa!
Don't take ice cubes in your cocktails while in South America!
- HC

Chris Humphrey said...

HAHAHAHA, I could watch that whale video like 20 times in a row!!!!!